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consumer price inflation中文是什么意思

用"consumer price inflation"造句"consumer price inflation"怎么读"consumer price inflation" in a sentence


  • 消费品物价膨胀
  • 消费物价上涨


  • Unit cost analysis and consumer price inflation
  • Consumer price inflation had edged up moderately
  • Consumer price inflation
  • Chinese consumer price inflation hit a 33 - month high of 4 . 4 percent in june
    6月,我国的消费者物价指数上涨4 . 4 ,达到33个月以来的最高水平。
  • Chinese consumer price inflation hit a 33 - month high of 4 . 4 percent in june
    6月,我国的消费者物价指数上涨4 . 4 ,达到33个月以来的最高水平。
  • Chinese consumer price inflation hit a 33 - month high of 4 . 4 percent in june and is believed to have risen further last month
    六月,我国的消费者物价指数上涨4 . 4 ,达到33个月以来的最高水平。据估计,上月的物价指数进一步上涨。
  • Consumer price inflation eased distinctly over the course of 1998 . to a large extent , this reflected the expeditious adjustment in the economy upon the impact of regional financial turmoil
  • But the report said the economy did not appear overheated from the macroeconomic perspective , with overall demands and supply growing in line with each other and non - food consumer price inflation still around one percent
  • Coupled with all of this is a suspicion that official statistics may currently understate consumer price inflation owing to problems with the basket of goods used to measure prices , opening the way for possible upward revisions in the future
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